You are here: Circulate Items Requested via INN-Reach

Circulate Items Requested via INN-Reach

If your library has a license for Polaris integration with INN-Reach, you can use Leap to loan items to patrons outside of your library system. If your library does not have a license for INN-Reach integration, the messages and options do not appear. For more information on the Polaris integration with INN-Reach, see Polaris staff client Help.

Staff members who handle items requested through INN-Reach can easily identify these items in the Picklist. Any items in the Picklist that were requested through INN-Reach are identified with an I icon.

INN-Reach Messages When Checking In or Checking Out Items

When you check in or check out an item that can satisfy an INN-Reach hold or on which an INN-Reach hold has been placed, alert messages appear.

The following message appears when checking in or checking out an item (if your library traps for holds at check out) that can satisfy a non-local INN-Reach hold request:

Non-local INN-Reach hold requests are placed when a patron outside of your library system places a request for an item that your library owns and has contributed to the INN-Reach catalog.

Fill INN-Reach hold request


Barcode: barcode number

satisfies an INN-Reach request to be shipped to library name, for

patron last name, first name

phone number

Do you want to ship the item?

If you select Yes to place the hold for the patron outside of your library system, the following events occur:

If you select No, another message prompts you to confirm that you want to deny the hold. When you deny the INN-Reach request, the item is checked in, the hold is denied with a system-supplied reason, and the borrowing library is notified.

When checking in an item using Bulk Check-In, if the System Administration parameter Alert in bulk check-in if the item will fill holds is unchecked, no message appears and the item updated to Held and the hold request status is set to Shipped.

If you scan an item to check it in or check it out, and that item is already held for a patron who placed a non-local INN-Reach request, a message informs you that the item is held for that patron and cannot be checked in or out.

At check-in, the following message appears:

This INN-Reach item has already been checked in and is currently being held for:

[Patron last name, Patron first name]

[Phone number]

At check-out, the following message appears:

This item satisfies an INN-Reach request and cannot be checked out. It is being held for:

[Patron last name, Patron first name]

[Phone number]

If the lending library sent a shipped message (API 201) but decided not to ship the item, or the item was shipped but the borrowing library returned the item without processing it, the following message appears:

This INN-Reach item has already been checked in and declared shipped. Do you still want to ship this item?

Use Fill Now to Fill an INN-Reach Hold Request with a Substitute Item

The item can fill the request as long as it is associated with the same bibliographic record as the item originally requested, it has a barcode, and it has been contributed to INN-Reach.

Open the hold request from the Picklist or the Patron Record | Holds view and select Fill Now. Then, scan the substitute item's barcode.

If the item meets the requirements, the hold request becomes Held and the hold and item history views are updated. If your library has set the Polaris Administration option to prevent holds on items with a status of IN, a message informs you that the item is in and asks if you want to fill the request.

When you fill the request at a branch other than the pickup location, a message informs you that the item will be transferred to the pickup branch for shipment.

Deny an INN-Reach Request or Indicate the Requested Item Is Missing:

When you deny an INN-Reach request from the Picklist, the hold request is deleted and a message is sent to INN-Reach.

If you cannot find the requested item and mark it as Missing, the hold request is deleted, the item record's status is set to Missing, and a message is sent to INN-Reach.

Options on the Patron Record for Non-Local Hold Requests

When a patron who is not registered at your library uses INN-Reach to place a hold on an item that your library owns and has contributed to the INN-Reach catalog, a temporary virtual patron record is created to enable circulation of the requested item. On the Holds view of the Patron workform for the virtual patron, the non-local hold requests are listed and only certain actions can be performed for these non-local holds.

From the Holds view, you can select a hold request and use the Fill Now or Deny option. For more information, see the Polaris staff client online Help.

The following options are not available for non-local INN-Reach hold requests:

When you open a non-local hold request listed from the holds view, the pickup location, activation date, and expiration date cannot be modified.

From the Picklist, deny the request or mark it as missing.