You are here: Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Patron Records > Merge Patron Records

Merge Patron Records

If you discover two patron records for the same patron, you can merge them. First, determine which record is the primary record–the record to save in the Polaris database.

To merge two patron records:

  1. Search for and select the patron’s primary record.

The patron’s record opens.


The Patron record | Registration view appears.

  1. Select MERGE.

The Merge Patron Records dialog box appears.

  1. Click Select record to delete.

The Find Tool opens.

  1. Use the Find Tool to search for and select the secondary record (the record you want to delete).

The Merge Patron Records dialog box displays the primary patron's details on the left side and the secondary patron's details on the right side. The details displayed depend on the settings in the Patron Services Administration parameter Check Out: Optional Patron Data. If you want to review the secondary record before merging, click Open record.

  1. Click MERGE to merge the records.

A message asks if you want to continue with the merge.

  1. Click CONTINUE.

All the information in the primary record is saved, the secondary record is deleted, and the following data is copied from the deleted record into a single updated record.

In addition, a new transaction: Modified via Leap merge is recorded for the saved record.

For more information on merging patron records, see Polaris staff client online Help.