You are here: Polaris Leap Overview > Using RFID

Using RFID in Leap

The RFID icon on the search and return buttons indicates that RFID is enabled for the workstation.

Once RFID has been enabled for Leap on a workstation, you can place an RFID-tagged item on the RFID reader pad and do the following:

Selecting the RFID-enabled icon acts as an on-screen shortcut equivalent to the F+9 shortcut key combination in the Polaris staff client. If the Auto-RFID option is checked, auto-polling is used.

If RFID is enabled for the workstation, you can check out items by reading the RFID tag. If the Auto-RFID option is checked, auto-polling is used.

If the RFID tag cannot be read, the following message is displayed: Tag not found, please try again.

If the item is successfully checked out, a single attempt is made to disable security on the tag. If this attempt fails, the following message is displayed: Unable to turn off security for item [barcode].