You are here: Viewing and Modifying a Patron's Claimed and Lost Items > Change Claimed Items to a Status of Lost

Change a Claimed Item to a Status of Lost

You can change a claimed item to a status of Lost from the Claimed/Lost view of the patron's record.

To change a claimed item (Claim Never Had, Claim Returned/Accruing, Claim Missing Part) to a status of Lost:

  1. Open the patron's record.
  2. Go to the Claims/Lost list.
  1. Select a claimed item in the list.
  2. Select the Declare Lost button.

The Declare Lost dialog box opens.

  1. Specify the action to take for each charge.
  2. Select OK.

Depending on your selections in the dialog box, the Claims/Lost view displays the description Lost/Unpaid or Lost/Accruing.