You are here: Creating, Copying, and Modifying Item Records > Copy an Item Record

Copy an Item Record

To create a new item record by copying an existing one:

  1. Open the item record you want to copy.
  2. Select ACTIONS | Copy.

If the item is for an electronic medium or the item is linked to a serial issue or standing order part, the option to copy the item record is not available.

The new Item Record workform opens.

The following information and settings are copied from the original record:

When you copy an item record, the Circulation status field in the New Item Record workform is filled automatically, but you can change it before saving the record.

If the Cataloging profile, Copied item records default to in-process, is set to Yes, the Circulation status field is set to In-process.

If the profile is set to No, the circulation status is retained from the copied record if it is: In, Missing, Withdrawn, Bindery, On-order, In-repair, or Unavailable. If the copied record has another circulation status, the Circulation status field in the New Item Record workform is set to In-process.

  1. Enter or change information for the new item record.
  2. Click SAVE.

When the item record is saved, the Properties window is updated.