You are here: Checking Out Items to a Patron > Circulate Quick Circ items

Circulate Quick Circ Items

Quick Circ items can be checked out and checked in from Leap by scanning the barcode. Check out receipts are also printed for Quick Circ items.

For more information on circulating ephemeral or Quick Circ items, see Polaris staff client Help.

To create on-the-fly records, the check-out branch must have created an item template named "on-the-fly".

To create on-the-fly records at check-out:

  1. Scan the item's barcode, and if the barcode is not recognized, the Item not found dialog box opens.

Barcode validation is performed if set in Polaris Administration.

  1. Select CONTINUE to create the record.

The Brief Item Entry dialog box appears.

  1. Enter the Title, Author, Call Number, and Free Text Block. Only the title is required to create an on-the-fly item.
  2. If you want to change the default selections, choose a different Material Type, Loan Period, or Fine Code.
  3. If you want to check out the item without setting the on-the-fly block, clear the Set OTF Block check box.
  4. Select CONTINUE.

If the Set OTF Block check box is checked, a message informs you that the brief item was created and that the item requires full cataloging. If the Set OTF Block check box is not checked, the item is checked out without the OTF block.