You are here: Setting Leap Options in Polaris Administration > Suppress Fields and Views for Patron Registration

Suppress Fields and Views for Patron Registration

You can use Polaris Administration settings to suppress certain views and fields from appearing in the Patron Registration workform if your library does not use them. When a view is suppressed, the link to that view does not appear in the More menu on the Patron Registration workform.

The following Administration profile and parameter settings are applied to the Patron Registration workform in the Polaris staff client and Leap:

You can use Staff Client | Web App profiles to suppress certain views and fields from appearing in the Patron Registration workform in Leap.

To suppress views from appearing in the Patron Registration workform in Leap, set the applicable Web App profiles to Yes at the System, Library, or Branch levels:

To suppress specific fields from appearing in the Patron Registration workform in Leap, set the applicable Web App profiles to Yes at the System level only to suppress specific fields from appearing in the Patron Registration workform in the Polaris Web App (Leap):