You are here: Setting Leap Options in Polaris Administration > Setting Up Workstations for the Leap Application > Enable Leap for a Workstation

Enable Leap for a Library Workstation

For more information on setting up workstations, see Polaris staff client online Help.

To enable Leap access from a library workstation:

  1. In Polaris Administration, open a workstation record in the Workstation workform.
  2. Select (check) the Leap check box.

The Leap check box appears on the Workstation workform when the parent branch or system is licensed for Leap. If the check box is unchecked, users will be unable to log into Leap from this in-network workstation.

  1. Save the record.

If the user is outside of the library's network, the workstation does not appear in the Workstation drop-down list box at logon.