You are here: Viewing, Renewing, and Modifying Items Out to a Patron > Estimate Fines from the Items Out List

Estimate Fines from the Items Out List

To estimate fines for items in the items out view:

  1. Open the patron record.
  2. Click the Out/Overdue tab.

The patron's items out list appears.

  1. Select the item or items in the items out list, and choose Estimate Fines.

The estimated fines appear.

The Estimated Fines dialog box displays the amount owed for all items, not just the selected items.

  1. To change the due date, choose SELECT DATE, and select a different date from the calendar.
  2. Select CLOSE to close the dialog box and return to the items out list.

If your library has opted to include lost and/or claimed items in the estimated fines calculation, you can also estimate fines from the Claims/Lost view.