You are here: Placing and Managing Interlibrary Loan Requests > Export an ILL Request

Export an ILL Request

You can export Inactive ILL requests to other third-party vendors, such as OCLC, from the ILL Request or Patron Record workform. INN-Reach requests cannot be exported.

To export ILL requests, you must have the following branch-specific Circulation permission for the branch designated as the pickup branch: ILL Request: Modify.

Export an ILL Request from the ILL Request Workform

To export an ILL request from the ILL Request workform:

  1. Open the ILL Request workform for the request you want to export.
  1. Select ACTIONS | Export.

This option is available only if the ILL request has an Inactive status.

Export an ILL Request from the Patron Record Workform

To export an ILL request from the Patron Record workform:

  1. Select the ILL view (or if the tab is not visible, select More | ILL).
  2. Click the check box next to the ILL request you want to export.
  3. Click the Export button.

You can multi-select ILL requests and click the Export button. The button is active only when all the selected ILL requests have a status of Inactive.

Export an ILL Request Process

When you click Export from either of these workforms, the following processing occurs: