You are here: Setting Leap Options in Polaris Administration > Setting Up Workstations for the Leap Application > Identify Terminal Server Workstation

Identify the Terminal Server Workstation

If your library uses Leap within a terminal services session, you can identify a workstation as the terminal server by selecting the Terminal Server check box on the Polaris Workstation workform in Polaris Administration. When the terminal server is identified by selecting this check box, a staff member logging into Leap from a terminal server session can select their login workstation from a list of the Leap-enabled workstations for their branch. This enables transactions to be attributed to the appropriate workstation. For more information on setting up workstations in Polaris, see Polaris staff client online Help.

If the branch has only one workstation that is Leap enabled, it will be the default workstation and the user will not be able to change it.