You are here: Using the Holds Picklist > Indicate an Item Was Located

Indicate an Item Was Located

To mark items as located in the picklist:

  1. Open the picklist.

Your login branch is the default branch displayed. You can choose a different branch by selecting it in the drop-down list box.

To filter the hold requests by a category, such as a collection, that corresponds with the location of items in the library, start typing the filter term in the Filter requestsbox.

  1. Locate the items on the shelves that match the hold requests in the list.
  2. Select the check box next to each found item in the picklist.
  3. Select Located.

The following occurs for each hold request marked as Located:

After marking the requested items in the picklist as Located, you can take the located items to the pickup location where they can be scanned at a Polaris workstation where they become “held.” All other holds processing and notices function according to established methods in the Polaris staff client.