You are here: Using the Holds Picklist > Mark a Hold Request with Ask Me Later

Mark a Hold Request with Ask Me Later

Use the Ask Me Later option when you cannot immediately locate the item, but you do not want to deny the request.

To mark a hold request with Ask Me Later:

  1. Select the check box next to the hold request(s) you want to mark as Ask Me Later.
  2. Choose Ask Me Later.

The request is removed from the Pending list and moves to the next step in the RTF process, which allows the request to go to the next branch as soon as possible. This leaves the item eligible to fill the request. If no other branch in the RTF fills the request, the request will be routed back to you, giving you a second chance to find the item. If no other items can fill the request, you will see a message alerting you that your library has the only item. In this case, the request remains Pending at your branch until some other action is taken (the request is denied, canceled, or set to inactive).