You are here: Viewing, Renewing, and Modifying Items Out to a Patron > Renew Items from the Items Out List

Renew Items from the Items Out List

To renew one or multiple items from the items out list:

  1. Open the patron record.
  2. Click the Out/Overdue tab.

The patron's items out list appears.

  1. Select the item or items in the list and select RENEW.

The item is renewed if there are no conditions preventing its renewal, and the new due date is displayed in the DUE ON column.

A message appears if the renewal exceeds the limit.

If the item is overdue, the Overdue Fine dialog box opens. From this dialog box, you can pay, waive, charge the patron's account, or cancel.

If your library prints receipts for renewals, the print dialog box opens. See also: Setting Up Receipt Printing for Leap.