You are here: Checking Out Items to a Patron > Resolve Charges for Renewal and Overdue Fines

Resolve Charges for Renewal and Overdue Fine

If your library charges for renewals and prompts for the renewal charge, a single dialog box appears when you renew an item for which overdue fines are owed. You can then resolve both the renewal charge an the overdue charge in one step. The options to charge for renewals and prompt for the charge are set using the Check-Out: Charge Options Patron Services parameter in Polaris Administration.

If your library charges for renewals but has not selected the Prompt in the Staff Client check box on the Check-Out: Charge Options dialog box, the overdue fine dialog box appears and the renewal amount is applied to the patron's account.

To resolve charges for a renewal and overdue fines:

  1. Renew the item.
The Renew chargeable overdue item dialog box appears.
  1. For the Checkout (renewal) charge and the Overdue Fine, select an action in the Action box.
  2. Enter an amount for each charge in the Amount box.
  3. Select the payment type in the Payment method box.

Select Pay from the Actions drop-down list for each charge and enter an amount equal to or less than the charge in the Amount box.

If you enter an amount less than the total charge, the amount is added to the patron's account.

  1. Click CONTINUE.

If you selected Pay in the Actions drop-down list, the payment is recorded in the patron's account, and a receipt is printed. The receipt includes the Checkout Charge/Overdue in the Reason field, the total charges, the total amount paid, and the patron's remaining account balance..