You are here: Checking Out Items to a Patron > Set a Special Due Date/Loan Period During Check Out

Set a Special Due Date/Loan Period During Check Out

To set a special due date or specify a special loan period when checking out items:

You can also select Settings under your username to specify a special loan period for all items checked out during your logged-in session. See Leap User Interface.

Open the patron’s record.

The Check Out view is displayed.

  1. Click SPECIAL LOAN.

The area below the button expands.

  1. Set the special due date using one of these methods:
    • Select a date using the calendar control.
    • Type a number in the Loan period box, and select Days, Hours, or Minutes in the drop-down list box.
  1. To use this special loan period for the next item checked out to this patron, select Apply to next item only.
  2. To use this special loan period for all items you check out to this patron during this session, select Apply to all items for this patron.
  3. Select OK.