You are here: Records and Record Sets Displayed in Leap Workforms > Authority Record

Authority Record

You can search for, access, and link to authority records in Polaris Leap. Authority records cannot be created or modified using Leap.

The Authority Record workform header displays the heading, control number, kind of record, main or added entry use, record status, descriptive cataloging rules, subject use, linked bib count, subject heading system, and series use.

Authority Record Workform - MARC View

When the authority record workform first opens, the MARC view appears.

The leader data returned by the API for position 9 (character coding scheme) is hard coded to UCS/Unicode. This may not match what appears in the Authority Record workform in the staff client. However, if the MARC record is exported to a file, the export utility sets the value to either MARC8 or UTF8.

Authority Record Workform - Bibliographic Records View

The Bibliographic Records view displays the bibliographic records linked to the authority record in the following columns:

Title | Author | Format | Record Status | Linked Items | Holds | Publication Date | Call Number | Control Number

You can open a linked bibliographic record by clicking a list entry and then close the bibliographic record to return to this view.

Authority Record Workform - See Also and See Also From Views

The See Also view displays the See Also references from the heading. The following message appears if there are no linked records: There are no "See also" authority records linked to this authority record. The See Also From view appears only if there are "See Also From" 550 fields in the record.

The See Also view displays the linked authority records in the following columns:

Heading | Control Number | Record Status | Bib Count | See Also Count | Name | Subject | Series

You can sort and filter the list and click a row to open the linked authority record.

Authority Record Workform - Record Sets View

The Authority Record workform includes a Record Sets view that displays the record set to which the authority record belongs, if any. You can click on a record set listed on this view and open the Authority Record Set workform.